Welcome to www.firstglimpsebabyscan. co.uk, by visiting this website and accessing the information, services, and products I provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy.

At First Glimpse Baby Scan I reserve the right to adjust or change this User Agreement from time to time without prior notice.

You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this User Agreement at regular intervals to familiarize yourself with any changes made.

You will be required to sign a consent form on the day of your ultrasound.

Description of Services

By using this site and ordering services provided on this site you hereby agree to the following information below:

I am having an elective ultrasound scan for a keepsake souvenir, not for diagnostic purposes. I understand that this ultrasound scan does not screen for chromosomal or structural abnormalities. However, if an abnormality was to be seen, I will inform you and advise you as much as possible, about the abnormality. It is your responsibility to follow this up at your Maternity Unit. A report will be written on request for your Obstetrician.

However, conversely, not all abnormalities can be detected by ultrasound. First Glimpse baby Scan accepts no liability whatsoever should we fail to detect an abnormality and no diagnosis will be made, as this is for you consultant to give a diagnosis.

I agree and understand that all 2D/3D/4D ultrasound scans are a limited diagnostic ultrasound. I am having an elective ultrasound scan for a keepsake souvenir, not for diagnostic purposes and that image quality will vary, depending on baby s position, the amount of amniotic flid in front of baby s face, gestational age, placental location and my BMI and weight all can play apart in the quality of images. I aim to provide you with the best images possible but that you understand this depends totally on your baby’s cooperation.

I understand that first glimpse has a no refund policy, however, it will be at the director's discretion and will be happy to reappoint for any cancellations which are made prior to 24 hours of scan booked.

If the V.I.P. package is booked and only one scan is used the difference will be refunded at request.

First glimpse may not be able to guarantee that your appointment will run on time but we will always strive to capture the best images possible and make you time with me the best I possibly can.

Late appointments – if you arrive late for your appointment first glimpse will endeavour to assist if scan schedule allows if not a reappoint may be necessary.

We will record Digital files during your scan, we do not retain copies of your scan. Any problems with your digital files must be reported within 48hrs of your scan. If you are not happy with any aspect of our service it must be reported at the time of your scan.

We do not allow any personal photography to be carried out on our premises.

Gender scans are done by professional judgement and can only be 99% accurate. The company accepts no liability whatsoever should the gender of your baby prove to be incorrect.

You understand and agree that any claim against us shall be limited to the amount you paid, if any, for use of products and/or services. The company shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused.

We retain Copyright of any images that we take, unless you specifically ask us not to, we may use your images and videos on our Website and Social media accounts for promotional purposes.

Data Protection Act 1998

Any data collected within first glimpse baby scan will be used for the sole purpose of identification within this clinic and will not be disclosed to any external organisation without your express written permission. Your Privacy matters.

By reading and accepting these terms and conditions you have acknowledged that you have read and reviewed and accepted these terms. These terms and conditions constitute binding and enforceable obligations to you.

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