Please find below our most frequently asked questions. Hopefully these can help you. If you have any other questions that aren't answered here, don't hesitate to contact us.

Baby Ultrasound Glasgow
Q. How do I make an appointment?

You can make an appointment using our on-line booking system or call us direct and speak to one of our trained staff who will be able to advise you on the best scan package for your needs.

Q. How long will my scan appointment last?

Depending on the scan package you have booked, scans will vary from 10 to 30 minutes, longer for twins. You should arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your actual appointment time to ensure the necessary paperwork is completed prior to your scan. Depending on the position of your baby you may be asked to go for a walk and come back soon after having a sugary snack, so allow for at least an hour per appointment.

Q. What should I expect when I arrive for my ultrasound scan?

On arrival at our clinic, you will be welcomed by the receptionist who will provide you with a consent form which must be signed and dated by yourself. We will also require a few details such as your estimated date of delivery. If Payment has not been paid already this will be taken in full before you have your scan. Either relax in our large, relaxing comfortable reception area or use the time to browse through our gorgeous range of baby and ‘mum to be’ gifts. Or why not take a few pictures in our selfie booth! We are also happy to take any pictures you require on the day to cherish and add to your family's story. We are more than just a scan clinic, why not pay us a visit and find out for yourself.

Q. Can anyone book a private scan with First Glimpse Baby Scan?

Yes. You do not need a doctor's referral to book a private ultrasound scan with us. To avoid disappointment, we advise that you book your appointment in advance as scan appointments may be limited due to popular demand. However, we are happy to accommodate on the day appointments if our schedule allows.

Q. How can I pay for my scan?

Your scan must be paid for in full prior to arrival at the clinic unless we can accommodate cash on the day if last minute. We accept most major credit and debit cards as well as bank transfer, PayPal, and cash.

Q. Do I need a full bladder?

Yes, you need to arrive with a full but comfortable bladder for all types of scans, this helps aid the position of you baby and allows for better imaging. If you become uncomfortable, please go the toilet, and let some out and hold onto some.

Q. Can I still get a scan if I don't want to find out the gender?

Yes, you can come along and enjoy every bit of the magical experience without finding out the gender of your baby. Just remind us when you come along for your appointment.

Q. When is the best time to determine the gender of my baby?

Ideally from 16 weeks gestation. This depends on your baby’s position. If I am unable to determine your baby’s gender, I will offer a further scan at no extra charge. However, I will always be determined to achieve this on the day without a reappointment, this will only happen if I have exhausted all other avenues. Due to the nature of ultrasound, we are unable to guarantee 100% accuracy. However, I will endeavour to give you 99% accuracy as I am well experienced at performing obstetric and gender scans.

Q. When is the best time to have a 4D scan?

The best time for a successful 4D scan is between 26 to 30 weeks of pregnancy. Despite this, from our experience beautiful images may still be captured outside of these gestations, however there would be a higher risk of not obtaining all the desirable images to complete the chosen package. Between the optimum gestation of 26-30 weeks, your baby will be developed enough to give an accurate view of the characteristics of his/her face. At this gestation there is plenty of fluid around your baby to allow for foetal movement and provide a ‘window’ to see your baby. 4D scanning can be done before or after this gestation, depending upon individual circumstances. If you book outside of our recommended stage of 26 – 30 weeks, we do not offer a rescan if we cannot obtain good images at the first appointment. Please speak to one of our trained staff for further information.

Q. What is the difference between 2D and 3D/4D Ultrasound?

2D ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce black and white outlines and flat looking images of the internal organs of your baby. This technology is used at your hospital scan to give you a due date and to look for foetal abnormalities. 3D ultrasound uses the same high frequency sound waves but from different directions so that a 3-dimensional colour image (usually sepia) is produced of the structure’s surface only, usually of your baby’s face. Medically theses 3D images may be helpful in diagnosing issues such as a cleft lip but can also be used for souvenir scanning allowing you to bond with your unborn child at an early stage. With 4D ultrasound, these 3-dimensional images are continuously updated by the machine, so it becomes a moving image, just like a movie.

Q. What is a 3D/4D Ultrasound scan?

A 3D/4D ultrasound scan produces life like images so that you can see what your baby looks like, unlike the standard 2D black and white ultrasound scan which you may have seen at the hospital. With a 3D/4D scan you can see your baby's skin rather than the structures underneath. The best time to have a 3D/4D scan is 24-32 weeks pregnant. Before this your baby has little fat underneath its skin so its face will look more like a skeleton. During the optimum 3D/4D scanning weeks beautiful lifelike images and video can be captured, creating memories that will be treasured forever.

Q. What type of ultrasound scanning equipment do you use?

First Glimpse Baby Scan has a brand-new Samsung WA80a ultrasound machine with the latest HD live and Elite Crystal Live technology. This technology is exclusive to Samsung. Be aware, some companies have HD live images on their website and charge for it, this is Free of Charge at First Glimpse Baby Scan, as I want to give the best image quality to my clients and not at a price other companies are willing to charge. HD live is an extraordinary rendering method which uses an advanced illumination technique to produce amazingly realistic images of your baby’s features. HD Live is not for everyone, and you may prefer 3 & 4D, however, with First Glimpse you have the choice without the price tag.

Q. Is there anything else I can do to improve my chance of getting good images?

Baby’s position and the amount of water around baby are the two most crucial factors in producing good images. Having a sugary snack 20 mins prior to scan appointment can aid baby moving, the more baby moves the more chance I have of getting what we are after. However, do not worry, I do not give up easy and will exhaust all avenues before giving a free of charge reappointment if necessary.

Q. Will I always get good pictures and images of my baby?

In most cases yes. Unfortunately, on occasion babies do not always behave the way we would like them to! Images depend on the position of your baby, how much fluid is in front of its face, the position of the placenta and your size (BMI). If we are unable to obtain good images for any of these reasons, we may ask you to go for a walk and/or have something sweet to eat and drink in the hope that baby moves, we will then scan you again. If your scan is not entirely successful (if the views are limited) a further scan may be advised and reappointed if necessary. Other company s charge for this at First Glimpse Baby Scan reappointments are free and given at the owner’s discretion.

Q. Can I bring my children with me?

Yes, children are welcome to come to your scan. Most children enjoy the experience, but we also have a kids’ area and fish tank to amuse them should they start to lose interest before your scan is complete. A responsible adult must always supervise children.

Q. Who can come to the scan with me?

We believe that seeing your baby helps you to bond with your unborn child, your scans can provide either an intimate scanning experience for you and your partner or can accommodate up to 3-4 additional guests so that grandparents, siblings, or friends can share the experience with you by viewing the scan on our large flat screen TV. We realise that this is a magical time for you and your family, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs, please inform us of any specific requirements that you may need during your time with us.

Q. I can get a similar scan at another clinic nearby and they are cheaper, why is that?

At First Glimpse you will not only get value for money, but you will also get a superb service with quality, and I am certain you will not be disappointed if you choose my clinic. You will receive nothing but the best anyone could offer, who will take the time to make sure your scan meets your expectations, gaining a memory to cherish forever. Unlike other clinics there is no continuity of care and being a Midwife I am not just in this for the money, I cherish memories, pictures and the care and wellbeing of parents to be and their families. This business is my heart, however, I will let you be the judge of that and hopefully you will see when you visit that my service and scans will speak for themselves.

Q. I am having twins, does this make a difference?

All our scans require extra time if you are expecting twins. The charge for your scan is the same as it is for a singleton, however you need to advise us at the time of your booking so that we can allow the extra time for your appointment. Due to the added complexity of scanning twins, we will not offer rescans should the initial appointment be unsuccessful, however at all times we will endeavour to achieve the best possible results for you. You will need to book your 4D baby scan slightly earlier between 24-27 weeks gestation as there is less space to scan your babies in the later stages.

Q. What if you find an abnormality?

All scans performed at First Glimpse Baby Scan are performed by myself, a qualified Diagnostic Midwife Sonographer. If any abnormality is discovered during your wellbeing scan the diagnostic Midwife Sonographer will explain the findings as fully as possible to you and will draft a written report that you can pass on to your NHS caregiver. All scans performed at First Glimpse Baby Scan are not provided to replace your normal hospital scans, they are there to support these scans to provide reassurance and aid bonding during your pregnancy.

Q. What if I am late for my appointment?

If you arrive more than 5-10 minutes late for your appointment, I may not be able to scan you, but I will always try to work around it if the scan schedule allows, if not I will need to reschedule your appointment.

Q. Is ultrasound scanning safe?

Yes. Since the introduction of Ultrasound in obstetrics around 30 years ago, despite numerous research papers, ultrasound has not been proven to cause any harm to either the mother or baby. A 3D/4D scan is as safe as a conventional 2D scan which is used during your antenatal NHS care. Ultrasound scans, unlike X-rays or CT scans, do not use any form of radiation. The only theoretical risk is that of raised temperature. Sound waves can cause a rise in temperature of the tissues they pass through. This rise in temperature is dependent on acoustic power and scan duration. All modern scanners display what is known as a Thermal Index (TI). This index tells the Sonographer about any change in tissue temperature and is displayed continuously on the screen so that the Sonographer scans within the accepted safe Thermal Index range as published by the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) At all times we adhere to the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) i.e. we use the minimum scan time and system settings to achieve the best quality images. First Glimpse strictly adheres to UK Health & Safety legislation as well as BMUS guidelines, policies, protocols, and recommendations. I am confident that I offer a safe and professional service to my customers.

Q. What if I am unhappy with the service?

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the service you receive, including the images and DVD footage included in your package you must inform a member of staff before you leave the clinic. We will do our best to resolve this immediately. If you are still unhappy, please email the Director at [email protected] Whilst generic complaints may be addressed on Social Media sites such as Facebook, First Glimpse reserve the right to remove any individual complaint raised on such sites as we are unable to provide a response without breaching confidentiality through this type of media.