Reassurance V.I.P. Package (2 Scans)


13 to 40 weeks gestation

The Reassurance V.I.P. package consists of 2 Reassurance scans taken at any time between 13 to 40 weeks gestation.  

The Reassurance V.I.P.Baby Scan package is designed to give all parents the well deserved and needed reassurance they need throughout this amazing journey.  This helps to alleviate any concerns or anxiety you may have surrounding your pregnancy. This package not only provides reassurance, but can also provide a magical bonding experience for parents to be, regardless of if they wish to find out the gender of their baby or not. This is a superb package that offers crucial elements that can alleviate any anxieties, leaving parents reassured.

We will even give you the option to preview your baby in 4D so you can visualise how your baby is developing..

  • Wellbeing check
  • Estimation of Fetal Weight  (after 24 weeks)
  • Presentation (position of baby) (after 20 weeks )
  • Placental site (after 20 weeks)
  • Amniotic fluid (after 20 weeks)
  • Doppler study (after 28 weeks)
  • 5 x thermal black/white prints at each appointment
  • 2 x glossy prints (2D or 3D) at each appointment (2 different Images)
  • 4D viewing after 24 weeks
  • 15 mins appt 
15 minutes

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