Little Miss or Little Mr Gender Reveal and Wellbeing Check


16 – 40 weeks gestation

This is an exciting time for parents to be and family to find out the gender reveal of your precious bundle.  We can tell you verbally or write your gender in an envelope for you (we are always happy to help in your surprise) This scan should be conducted from 16 weeks. It is necessary to perform this scan in 2D, as this gives the sonographer the most accurate and diagnostic view of the genitalia. If we are unable to assess the baby’s gender because of position or poor imaging, we will offer one free rescan. Please have a sugary drink or something sweet 20 mins prior to appt to aid baby's position. 

This is the perfect opportunity to add one of our amazing heart beat bears or our fantastic gender reveal balloons or cannons  (we will blow up your balloon for you)

We are happy to aid with pictures with our gender reveal photo wall

A health & wellbeing check will also be given to aid reassurance and wellbeing of your wee person.    Boy or girl, what will your baby be?

  • Reassurance & Wellbeing check
  • Professional opinion of gender (99% accurate)
  • 15 mins appt
  • minimal 5 x thermal black/white prints 
  • viewing in 3D and HD live
  • Listen to your baby s heart beat
  • No supplementary charge for Twins 
  • You must be a minimum of 16 weeks for this scan.   Sometimes we can see earlier, however, the earlier we try tell the more chance of getting it wrong, hence 16 weeks is the optimum time
15 minutes

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