First Glimpse V.I.P. (2 Scans)


6-12 weeks gestation 

First Glimpse Baby Scans are performed by a qualified Obstetric Sonographer who follows the NICE and RCOG guidelines

Visit First Glimpse Baby Scan and see your baby for the first time.

This First Glimpse V.I.P. baby scan package consists of 2 First Glimpse appointments 1 – 3 weeks apart.  This package allows us to take measurements and assess the viability and development of an early pregnancy, we can identify if your pregnancy is in the correct place, and if your pregnancy is a singleton or twin pregnancy. From around 6 weeks gestation we may be able to identify the fluttering of a heartbeat and measure your baby to work out an estimated due date for your baby. 
This early scan is popular with pregnant women who want reassurance before telling relatives and friends their good news. It is also useful for women who are experiencing pain/ bleeding or for those who have had previous complications such as miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.

 You must be at least 6 weeks gestation for us to identify a heartbeat. If you are less than 6 weeks when you attend the first scan we will reassess the viability of your pregnancy on your second scan.

Your second appointment will be arranged after your first scan.

  • 5 x  thermal black/white prints at each appointment
  • Viability and/or dating of pregnancy at each appointment
  • 2 x 10-15 minutes appointments
  • Optional Transvaginal scanning
15 minutes

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